Wednesday, March 11, 2009

moving on

Hey Everyone, I wanted to leave a quick note to let you know that I am transitioning green design in orange county to a new home called inspired design daily. With this change I am hoping to broaden my readership while still covering the topics that I care about most; sustainable design and living (and the things that inspire me, locally and abroad).

Please join me on my adventures and I welcome any and all feedback that you may have. I should be up and running shortly.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the veggie van

Anyone who has read my blog lately has probably noticed my obsession with the documentary Fuel; Sundance winner... blah blah blah. I may have mentioned this once or twice before.

Well, we went to see it the night that it opened in Irvine (which, by the way, is showing until this weekend) and got to come face to tailpipe with the star of the show; The Veggie Van.

Luckily, my friend Jason of Living Green Homes was there to capture the moment. Here we are, inhaling the fresh scent of cooking oil

and here is Jason with the director, Josh Tickell.

Monday, March 2, 2009

a little sunshine on a rainy day

It's cloudy and gloomy (still working on the rain) here in Southern California and I'm in need of some springtime inspiration. How about you?